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It seems that the Lunar New Year early in Beijing, the local people have dozens of mobile wholesale market in the country discount.

However, the purchase frenzy is Wholesale Halloween Costumes actually about 100 by the end of this year before the closure of more than 100
clothes, toys and household goods market, because the municipal government broke up for decades of immigration.

According to the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission statistics, the first seven months of this year has been closed 80
professional wholesale market. This year the Beijing Municipal Commission of Commerce has allocated 120 wholesale markets and 38 warehouses
closed to ease the congestion and reduce the inflow of immigrants.

But this plan may happen counterattack, and many tough tough shopkeepers only need to move to the edge of the capital, not to pack and leave.

Tianyi wholesale and retail market, a stall boss Yin, “said:” I have been selling silk in Beijing for nearly 20 years, and now I do not intend
to give up. “Tianyi market has more than 4000 booths, an area of ​​11,000 square meters, is Beijing’s largest small commodity wholesale market.

It is famous for its cheap little ornaments, spring decorations, kitchen utensils and even Halloween costumes.

During the first few weeks of September 15 (its last day), customers were seen with a black garbage bag filled with clearance sales.

“I have not found a new store yet,” Mr. Yin said, “but my client is here, so I will not go back,” added in Zhejiang Province, East China.

Kai Xin interview several stall holders also expressed the same view. Although the center of Beijing is only 8 kilometers northwest of the city
of Fucheng such a central location is difficult to find, but many people said they would try to move within the city.

“We have been busy selling customs clearance since July, and we have been searching for a new place once we have finished,” said Ms. Dai, who
came from Anhui Province, who has been selling agate and sapphire necklaces in Tianyi for nearly a decade.

Ms. Li Xiang, Sichuan Province, including the sale of wealth, including cats, including small jewelry, although in recent years in Beijing
wholesale market to close the tide, she determined to leave room.

The beginning of this trend can be traced back to the 2007 municipal notice, advocating the transfer of wholesale markets from the city center
to the edge of the city to ease the traffic congestion and overcrowding in the center of Beijing.

However, this move in 2015 after the Communist Party’s Politburo announced that Beijing and the surrounding Hebei Province and Tianjin
coordinated development of the ambitious plan, together. The new metropolis, known as the Beijing-Tianjin-Kyrgyz region, is expected to be six
times the size of the New York Metropolitan population, accounting for nearly 10 percent of China’s population.

Municipal government data show that in 2015 and 2016, Beijing has completed 302 wholesale markets and 51 logistics centers. Some of them have
moved to neighboring Hebei Province. According to the Hebei Provincial Department of Commerce statistics, this year will be relocated from
Beijing to 28 wholesale markets.

From Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, 35-year-old Wang Shaozhu Mr. Wang has been in the days of sales of Renminbi replica. He was one of the
few sellers interviewed by Kai Xin, who were willing to leave Beijing.

“These markets sellers’ main bread and butter are wholesale business.” They supply large quantities of export orders and orders in other parts
of China. They usually maintain a profit of at least 50%. If you do ten years in Tianyi, then in this period of time can earn an average of 500
million yuan (about 102 million US dollars) of profits. ”

Taxes levied by the government impose a lot of trade in the wholesale market in Beijing. According to the government to manage the market data,
such as the northern Beijing Dahongmen clothing wholesale market – will also be closed by the end of this year – in 2013 to pay 50 billion yuan
in taxes and fees.

“Many of these sellers have made money.” They have the ability to move to the city’s high price. ”

Mr. Wang said he would not work as a wholesaler after returning home, but to consider the next step.

The closure of Beijing’s wholesale market is a slow and painful process for sellers and authorities. One of the main problems is the lack of a
common standard of compensation, the authorities manage individual markets with stall holders to negotiate details.

According to the government’s notice, in the Tianyi area, the seller has promised to pay four times to the shop. Those who pay the deposit will
receive twice the amount. In July, officials conducted a survey to see if the seller agreed to the money. As of June 25, Tianyi management also
stopped levying rents, requiring tenants to liquidate before September 15.

“The compensation made by management is reasonable, at least in comparison with other wholesale markets, many of us agree with this,” said
Tianyong, tenant of Tianyi Market, who said selling Chinese tea and supplies to improve the feng shui of the home office. “We all know that
sooner or later will be closed.” Mr Choi said he had not received any compensation.

In late June, more than 100 shopkeepers in the Beijing wholesale zoo market held rare street protests against what they called “unfair
compensation”. A few parts of the popular market for clothing from the Beijing Zoo are expected to close on October 6

Another protest was held after months of negotiations last month. A seller named Li Leqin said that they are in the peak, has stored the
warehouse. “The sudden closure will cause huge losses,” she says, “the management says it will pay $ 60,000 in damages, but the seller says
it’s hardly enough to make up for the loss.”

Zoo market covers an area of ​​0.8 square kilometers, 12 shopping centers have 130,000 booths. More than 20,000 tenants who are paying more than
$ 60 million a year are asking why the local government is introducing these taxes.

But the Xicheng District government said that each year to spend about 100 million yuan to deal with the region’s traffic congestion and
environmental problems, partly caused by the market.

According to the number of public transport agents, Beijing’s nominal population of 23 million people, in fact, is now much larger. All regions
are issuing population quotas to motivate local officials to clean up communities.

In 2014, Xicheng local government set up specifically to carry out the so-called low-end business clean-up, relocation and upgrade offices,
such as the regional wholesale market.

Li Yunwei, deputy director of the office, said plans to Tianyi market complex into a high-tech enterprise hub.

Some of the former days of tenants will be transferred to Tianjin and Hebei business, the office said. The seller will also receive training
for online sales.

Beijing, which is pushed to air-conditioned malls to sell branded goods at high prices, will miss cheap shopping in the wholesale market.

A woman from the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, only identified as Tian, ​​Tuesday sitting in the day near the entrance of the two full of
shopping bags. She spent 2,000 yuan a day.

“I heard my friends say that the market is closing, hurry to find the last minute deal,” she said. “I bought two duvets, and in other places
everyone spent more than $ 1,000, but only $ 400.”

Gao Yi’s Tianyi an ordinary customer came here every day to buy items for her own art projects.

“I am disappointed that the market will be closed,” she said. “It’s hard to find such a variety and bargain, even online.”


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