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A new study found that Halloween can be fatal to its core members.

An analysis of the 42-year National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s car and pedestrian death data found that children between the ages of 4 and 8 had a 10-fold increased risk of vehicle death on Halloween night when they were walking on a Halloween night. Any party on October 31.

Dr. John Staples, co-author of the Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of British Columbia, said: “The alcohol burning party and many children are getting darker on the road. This is a method of pedestrian injury.” Research.

The number of pedestrians killed in 1975 decreased compared to federal traffic safety officials who began collecting their data. However, Staples said that the proportions of similar nights on both sides of Halloween and date are roughly the same.

The researchers found that the risk of vehicles being killed by vehicles of all ages increased by 43% on October 31 compared to similar nights before and after Halloween – this growth remained fairly stable throughout the data range, covering 1975-2016 Year, the doctor said.

“A lot has changed since 1975 – road design is safer, law enforcement is better, vehicle design is better, and drunk driving is less,” he said. “So the risk of pedestrians has dropped. We have succeeded. But the number of deaths on Halloween is still high compared to the same day of control.”

The researchers found that the most deadly hour was 6 pm.

Staples said the solution included designing pedestrian streets, providing light bars and flashlights for the gangsters, and even shutting down the high-traffic blocks of the vehicle on October 31.

The Los Angeles Police Department plans to announce its recommendations for safer Halloween at a press conference on Wednesday morning. According to a statement from the Los Angeles Police Department, its tips include “walking and looking for two ways before crossing, choosing bright and reflective clothing that will stand out when you are quailing.”

Staples added that drivers are the most important factor in Halloween safety.

“The message I sent to the driver was not to drive a dunk, high or distracted – and make sure you slow down as you drive through the sidewalk,” he warned….


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