Nothing can be worn like a celebrity on Halloween – or, this year, defending – a disgusting outfit.
Megyn Kelly has been criticized for the black face of “Today”. But three-time Olympic gold medalist skier Sean White put on “Simple Jack”, a role in the 2008 comedy “Tropic Thunder.” “Simple Jack has an intellectual disability.
Soeren Palumbo is the co-founder of Special Olympics’ “Spread a Word to End the Word” campaign. He told the costumes and told HuffPost that “disability is not a joke, nor should it be a whisper.”
White then provided a verified “whoopsie” apology on Instagram: “I should apologize to everyone in the Special Olympics community because I chose Halloween costumes that night. This is the last minute decision. This is wrong. Special Olympics is right to speak to me. They have done a lot of great work to support so many great athletes, and I am sorry for being insensitive to them. I have learned the knowledge.”
So, Megyn and Shaun: How could it be avoided?
The rules are simple. There are basically only three: don’t dress up as dead people; avoid cultural and offensive stereotypes; in order to love everything, don’t paint black faces with black or brown paint.
However, some people in our celebrity culture each year clearly ignore these rules – it’s weird when you think about it. How to position black paint, black paint, black paint, and black paint, celebrities stopped and said to themselves: “Do you know, this is probably not the best idea, maybe I should dress up Into a pumpkin or something else?
Fortunately, for the rest of us, these celebrities have given us a few examples of how not to dress up for Halloween for years. Here are some lessons.
If you dress up as a dead celebrity, how can you not use your clothing to refer to the death method?
This seems obvious, but if someone is dead in the hospital and you want to dress up as that person, maybe don’t wear a hospital gown. Over the years, this principle has apparently been lost to some celebrities.
Comedian and general protagonist Bill Maher are one of them. In 2006, he decided to dress up as a crocodile hunter Steve Irving. The only problem was that Irwin was killed by stingrays a few months ago – and Maher decided to incorporate this detail into his outfit. (Adult, adult) The man walked around, and the fake stinger came out of the bloody wound in the chest.
Then he chose twice in his program, and he angrily refused to apologize, but accused Owen of dying.