A kid tries on a hat for Halloween in a shopping mall in Beijing. Retailers are looking for new gold mines in China for the niche markets of Halloween costumes.
Online retailers reported that Halloween Costumes Outlet celebrations on the evening of October 31 will be accompanied by a surge in demand for apparel and other dresses.
They said order growth actually kicked off 2-3 weeks ago, and for some projects the sales were in line with the upcoming one-day shopping frenzy (China’s largest annual online shopping day) on November 11 Fierce degree of considerable.
“We receive orders for ordering up to 4,000 children’s clothing daily, with almost no inventory,” said Liu Rongchao, manager of Magik Party, a popular e-commerce Taobao online clothing store. Alibaba Group Holdings Limited
“Our halloween-related revenue has exceeded 3 million ($ 472,000).
“Last year, the total revenue from this product was 300,000 yuan,” said Mr. Liu, who designs and produces Halloween costumes at his store.
“I hope we are ready, Taobao did not really promote Halloween, I will know more next year, when I at least double their confidence in their sales.
This festival is a traditional festival, originally for children, who began to remember the dead in western countries, whether they are good or bad.
But today, Halloween is celebrated by people of all ages and generally seen as a good excuse for masquerade parties, fun friends and neighbors, even visiting haunted sites and growing business in China.
In recent years, black and orange colors dominate everything from bold costumes, fake spiders and illuminated pumpkin heads.
Li Honguang, a 36-year-old white-collar worker in Beijing, said he bought a superman costume for his son last year to celebrate Halloween.
His kindergarten held a party for the kids and asked everyone to wear a dress.
“The teachers taught them the origins and customs of Halloween, but they really wore a funny costume.”
Online retailers say sales of children’s apparel are still the most popular, but more and more adults, especially in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai.
Liu said that now some adults are ready to spend a lot of money to dress up and enjoy those luxury and expensive parties.
“We have a variety of Halloween products to sell, and for many Chinese consumers, the whole idea is more appealing and stimulating than Christmas,” Liu said, and his stores are also exported to the United States and Europe.
This year’s props are almost endless, including pumpkin lamps, cosmetic masks, apparently broken bones, brain and heart cuts, and scar tattoos.